Monday, January 28, 2013

The Knife releases Full Of Fire

The Knife is set to release their first studio album since Silent Shout. The album, Shaking The Habitual will be available in April.

Check out the latest from the band here:

To pre-order the album click here

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Knife announces new album

The Knife has announced their new album "Shaking The Habitual" which will be released in April of 2013.
They will be playing some live shows in Europe in 2013. As for the fans... we will be anxiously awaiting their arrival in the states.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christopher David White's Ceramics, Not Wood

This sculpture by Christopher David White may look like wood but its actually ceramic. The piece, Cyles of Decay, was made to resemble old wood.

"Often, the process of change occurs at an almost unnoticeable rate. For this reason, we become attached to the world around us, and we expect that things will remain the same. So we take for granted what we experience each day of our lives. But, permanence is the multimate illusion." -Christopher David White (via Sweet Station)

Jon Paul Kaiser Talks with Sofa King

Jon Paul Kaiser is one of the most influential toy designers out there. Over the years he has solidified himself in the art of the toy designing world with his signature Black & White custom style. He caught the attention of many established toy producers such as Toy2R and Kid Robot who requested that he design their platform toys for them. Along with the vinyl toy scene, JPK has extensive experience working on licensed clothing as well as designing for licenses as diverse as Star Wars (Lucasfilm), The Simpsons (20th Century Fox), Kelloggs, Transformers, Lego & Looney Tunes (Warner Bros.), Ghostbusters (Sony Pictures), and Britvic.

SofaKing: Who would you say inspires you?

JPK: Toy and art-wise, I'm inspired by Huck Gee, Yoskay Yamamoto, Luke Chueh, A Little Stranger, Sam Flores, Brian Flynn, Ferg..... too many to mention! I was always into art history and get quite a lot of inspiration still from Francis Bacon, Picasso, Goya and the Chapman brothers -- particularly their darker, more provocative works.

SK: Do you have any series or specific piece that is your favorite?

JPK: I've several favorites of my own, that sounds really immodest... Production-wise. I'm really proud of all of my releases, particularly Captain Sturnbrau, my FatCaps, and each of my Dunnys. With my customs, it often takes a while after finishing them for me to appreciate them. I'm really proud of my Coarse customs, and my Mecha Bears. Though, perhaps my favorite is the Yakuza Squadt I completed recently.

Yakuza Squadt

Captain Sturnbrau

SK: Can you give us any details on your upcoming pieces?

JPK: Upcoming production pieces... I'm not allowed to talk about. But I have some great releases this year and a few ambitions fulfilled too!

SK: Any upcoming Shows?

JPK: I'm working on some customs for ToyCon UK next April where I'm sharing a booth with Rich Page from UmeToys. He's a good friend and a great laugh!

SK: How about your favorite movies?

JPK: I have a few favorite movies, they're hard to rank I guess... The Royal Tenenbaums, The Star Wars trilogy, Predator, and The Prestige.

SK: Music?

JPK: At work I listen to Spotify during the day, usually on random play. Though at the moment, Public Service Broadcasting and Godspeed You! Black Emperor are getting a lot of attention from me!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sofaking Chats with Frank Kozik

I had the pleasure of talking with famed artist Frank Kozik. It was short... but good enough for me!

SofaKing: So, what are some of the new things you are working on?

Frank Kozik: Toys, resin pieces, paintings, shoes, prints

SK: Do you have any shows coming up soon?

FK: I have a show coming up in 2013 at Rotofugi in Chicago.

There you have it! My short conversation with the great Frank Kozik.

Die Antwoord "Fatty Boom Boom" Music Video
